How it Works
Sign Up

Click the Start Shopping button above to link to our online shop and create a free account with Rosie.

Browse departments, search, or shop your Favorites list to add items to your cart.
Curbside Pickup

Schedule a time that works best for you to pickup your groceries curbside.
Receive Groceries!

We will do the rest! Our Friends’ staff will shop your order and will call with any questions or substitutions. Your groceries will be ready at the day and time you choose!
Download Online Shopping Fact Sheet
You can also download the Rosie App right to your phone. When you open the App, search for Friends’ Marketplace and make it your home store!
Quick Facts:
Curbside Pickup:
$5.99 Tuesday-Saturday
No Changes Are Possible Once You Place Your Order
You can call the store within 24 hours of placing your order to cancel. Otherwise no changes are possible.
No Delivery Possible Through Online Shopping at This Time
Prices online may vary from prices in-store.
However, all sales items will be the
published price from our flyer.